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Competition to create original interdisciplinary curriculum programmes

Objective of the competition: to encourage implementing the results of interdisciplinary research projects into the educational process and to overcome the narrow professional focus that is inherent in most specialized disciplines. 

General requirements: the work must be original in nature for the HSE. An interdisciplinary curriculum programme should be included in the working curriculum in at least one of the faculties/schools in which the authors (i.e., the developers) teach.

The size of the programme is no less than 0.5 author’s sheets (no less than 20,000 characters). The programme must comply with established academic requirements, but also organically combine different disciplinary areas.

As part of the project, funds from the Fund for Educational Innovation will support programme development in the event of its implementation (teaching) as part of the working curriculum.

Applications may be submitted by staff instructors at the HSE and its branches, as well as staff members of the HSE and its branches who teach as a secondary job. Applications can be collective only and be submitted by authors who work as instructors in different faculties and schools of the HSE.

The programme can include the following training materials:

Methodological recommendations (materials) for the instructor (can take the form of appendices to the discipline programme and should specify the means and methods of teaching whose use is most effective).

Methodological recommendations to students (can take the form of appendices to the discipline programme and should reveal the recommended mode and nature of academic work, especially with respect to self-study).

Form of presenting material for the competition: course programmes of no less than 0.5 author’s sheets and electronic examples of materials developed, including examples of materials for both classroom work and self-study, tests, and examination materials with a grading scheme. If information technologies are to be used in the course, please specify which ones or include a link.


 Application form (DOCX, 26 Kb)

There should be not less then 5 applications to start the competition within the nomination.

Completed applications must be sent by email to ochernenko@hse.ru. A signed paper copy must also be sent to 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Room 443 or Room 403. 



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